Killer Cruise by Jennifer Shaw

Paperback: 368 pages
Publisher: HarperTeen (Sept 23, 2008)
Product Description: On board facilities -
Pool 1, Caribbean Deck:
Meet hot crew member while soaking up the sun!
The Santorini Restaurant, Olympia Deck:
Heard about last year's mysterious disappearance on board. What could have happened?
Movie Theater, Fiesta Dock:
Still can't stand horror flicks. Too scary.
Paris Boutique, Panama Deck:
Then again, so was my near-death fall overboard last night...
Glamorama Spa, Bermuda Deck:
Must relax. No one's trying to kill me-I'm just being paranoid.
Club Paradise, Diablo Deck:
But what if someone does want me dead?
I love this book because though I suspected the killer halfway through the story, the climax and ending still made me shiver. A quick but good read and it can even be made into a tv-movie!
Sleepless by Terri Clark

Paperback: 288 pages
Publisher: HarperTeen (September 2, 2008)
Product Description: The Swaying Palms Hotel late-night room-service menu
Tuck-Me-In Tuna Salad on Rye:
Catch-Some-ZZZs Cheeseburger and Fries:
Up-All-Night Chocolate Chip Cookies with Milk:
Bedtime Banana Split:
I can't go to sleep!!! And not because of the cute boy lying next to me. There's a killer stalking me in my dreams. And if it's up to him... I'll never wake up. I have to find a way to get him, before he gets me.
When I first read the plot, i didn't really understand the story. but it got great reviews in Amazon so i bought this book when i saw this in the bookstore. This book is another good teen mystery-murder novel, however the premise is so weird, that it's cool. Stalking in dreams? Psychopath murderer? Creepy! The side plot of the romance is okay, though i thought it's a bit rushed like they suddenly like each other and they're together. But i like the ending and i like the plot about the bad dad turned good dad.
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